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Rabu, 18 Januari 2023

This time in progress

 By Arief Prasetiyawan,S.Pd

A.      Positive

1.    Short duration (durasi pendek)                                  

I am studying my lesson     

Üsaya sedang belajar pelajaran saya             

Mother is cooking in the kitchen  

Üibu sedang memasak di dapur

The children are watching television              

Üanak-anak sedang menonton televisi

They are cleaning the floor                             

Ümereka sedang membersihkan lantai

2. Long durasion (durasi lama)

Now Jenu is working in a bank                      

Üsekarang Jenu sedang bekerja di bank

For the time, mr.Arief is teaching english      

Üuntuk saat ini, pak Arief sedang mengajar inggris

At present I am studying english at BEC       

Üsaat sekarang saya sedang belajar inggris di BEC

They are writing a new book about history    

Ümereka sedang menulis sebuah buku tentang sejarah


B.      Negative

I am not studying my lesson                                

Üsaya tidak sedang belajar pelajaran saya    

Mother is not cooking in the kitchen                   

Üibu tidak sedang memasak di dapur

The children are not watching television             

Üanak-anak tidak sedang menonton televisi

They are not cleaning the floor                            

Ümereka tidak sedang membersihkan lantai


C.      Question

Is Mother cooking in the kitchen?                       

Üapakah ibu sedang memasak di dapur

Are the children watching television?                 

Üapakah anak-anak sedang menonton televisi

Are they cleaning the floor?                                

Üapakah mereka sedang membersihkan lantai


D.      Question word

Ü What are you doing this moment?

Ü Where is he living now?

Ü Where are you working now?

Ü What are you talking about?


E.       Adverb of time

Ü Now/ at present

Ü At this moment

Ü Today

Ü Nowadays

Selasa, 17 Januari 2023


By.Arief Prasetiyawan, S.Pd

àDegree of comparisons has three model; Positive Degree, Comparative Degree, Superlative Degree

I.         Positive Degree

Formula : ............ as + adjective + as.........

Ahmad is as tall as Rohman

     Mery is as beautiful as Helin

Can also be used with the same as formula

     Ahmad is the same as Rohman

     Mery is the same as her father

II.      Comparative Degree

A.    For adjectives with one syllable, we add ending “R” or “ER”, form comparatives.

Formula : ............  adjective + R, ER + Than .........

Tall                 Ütaller                         Long                            Ülonger                      

Old                 Üolder                        clever                           Ücleverer

Lazy               Ülazier                        Young                         ÜYounger

Ahmad is taller than Rohman

     My fahter is older than mr Ahmad

     The leasson is u the last leasson

B.     For adjectives with two syllable or more than two syllable, we add first “more” before adjective form comparatives.             Formula : ............ more adjective + Than .........       

Beautiful                    Ümore beautiful                     careful                         Ümore careful

Difficult                     Ümore difficult                      Interesting                   Ümore interesting

Mery is more beautiful than Lina

English is more difficult than history

Jeny is more careful than Sarah

III.   Superlative Degree

A.    For adjectives with one syllable, we add ending “ST” or “EST”, form comparatives.

Formula : ............  the + adjective + ST, EST  .........

Tall                 Ütallest                                   clever               Ücleverest

Old                 Üoldest                                   big                   Übiggest

Young            Üyoungest                              large                Ülargest

Garnia is the tallest students in our class

My grandfather is the oldest in our family

Tokyo is the biggest city in the word

B.     For adjectives with one syllable, we add ending “ST” or “EST”, form comparatives.

Formula : ............ the + most + adjectiveEST .........

Beautiful                    Ümost beautiful                      careful                         Ümost careful

Difficult                     Ümost difficult                       Interesting                   Ümost interesting

Shifa is the most beautiful girl in our class

It is the most expensive car that I own

à Comparison of Adjective vs Adverbs

In general word comparison used by MORE and MOST in comparative and superlative degree.

Mary sings as beautifully as Helen

Jane sings more beautifully than Mary and Helen

Rara sings the most beautifully

Rahma studies as hard as Tasya

Salsa studies harder than Rahma and Tasya

Harni studies the hardest


à Comparison of Nouns

Few          -fewer         -fewest

Mukti has a few friens

Helen has fewer friends than Mukti

Harum has the fewest of all

Little          -less                 -least

Rahmat has a little money

Paul has less money than john

Harno has the least of all